Running | user jobs currently running |
Running | user jobs currently running (for the highlighted user) |
Development | nodes reserved for shorter jobs during part of the day |
Service | nodes reserved for service (not available for user jobs) |
Reserved | nodes reserved in some other way |
Idle | nodes not running anything |
Draining | nodes that will be taken out of operation when the running job finishes |
Drained | nodes that have been taken out of operation |
Down | nodes that are down |
Risk jobs are shown with a diagonally hashed background in the graphical view above and in italics in the table below.
JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 2825039 freja convertF sm_fansa R 3:29 1 n3 2825030 freja hindcast sm_ruvba R 14:46 3 n[18-20] 2825029 freja hindcast sm_ruvba R 15:22 1 n7 2825028 freja hindcast sm_ruvba R 25:08 3 n[14-16] 2825027 freja hindcast sm_ruvba R 26:01 1 n12 2825026 freja hindcast sm_ruvba R 30:08 3 n[40-42] 2825025 freja hindcast sm_ruvba R 31:00 1 n6 2824811 freja NEMO-NOR sm_ppemb R 1:16:33 4 n[25-28] 2823173 freja interact sm_winle R 7:47:18 1 n3 2820799 freja ACCESS-E sm_thobo R 15:33:54 1 n10