Intel HPC Training at NSC, October 2012
Schedule & Contents
Time |
Monday, October 22 |
Time |
Tuesday, October 23 |
09:00–09:30 |
VTune Basics VTune Amplifier XE Overview
- Features
- Data collectors
- Analysis types
9:00–09:30 |
VTune Advanced Recap of 1st day |
09:30–10:15 |
Hotspot Analysis
- Lab introduction
- Using the Command Line Interface
- Accessing Remote systems
- Lab 1: Finding Hotspots (30 min)
- Overview GUI
- Run same analysis using command line
- Packing and moving data for viewing
9:30–10:15 |
Computational Issues, Bandwidth and Branch analysis
- Lab 4: Computational Issues
- Lab 5: Analysing Bandwidth
- Lab 6: Branch Analysis
10:15–10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:15–10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30–11:00 |
Concurrency Analysis
- Lab 2: Analyzing Parallelism (15-20 min)
10:30–11:45 |
Continue with labs |
11:00–11:30 |
Locks and Waits Analysis
- Lab 3: Finding Parallelism Issues (15-20 min)
11:30–12:00 |
Frame Analysis and VTune Amplifier XE User APIs |
11:45–12:00 |
Summary and Conclusion of VTune Amplifier XE |
12:00–13:30 |
Lunch |
12:00–13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30–14:15 |
VTune Advanced
- Performance Tuning Methodology
- Performance Analysis Methodology for the Intel micro architecture
- Brief introduction to Core architecture
- Major causes for performance issues
13:30–14:15 |
Overview of Inspector XE
- Intro to Inspector XE
- The Inspector XE workflow and walk thru
- Dynamic Memory and Threading Analysis
- Static Analysis
- Readying your sources and builds
- Managing analysis results
- Advanced features
14:15–15:00 |
Labs and discussion of labs
- Lab 1: Finding hotspots using Lightweight hotspot analysis
- Lab 2: Determining Efficiency
- Lab 3.1: Finding memory issues
- Lab 3.2: Finding false sharing issues
- Lab 3.3: Finding computational issues
14:15–15:00 |
Lab time
- Lab 1: Managing Memory Errors with Inspector XE
- Lab 2: Managing Threading Errors with Inspector XE
- Lab 3: Static Analysis with Inspector XE
15:00–15:15 |
Coffee Break |
15:00–15:15 |
Coffee Break |
15:15–16:30 |
Continue with labs |
15:15–15:45 |
Continue with labs |
16:30–17:00 |
Questions and Answers |
15:45–16:00 |
Wrap up |
The training class instructor will be Beverly Bachmayer, who is a Technical Consulting Engineer at Intel Corporation in Munich.
About the instructor:
Bev has worked in diverse software engineering, engineering and program management positions in the US and Europe during her 29 years at Intel. She is currently working in the Developer Products Division and is Intel's lead on the EU PEPPHER project. Her key area of interest is performance analysis and optimization of software on new computer architectures. She develops and teaches courses on Intel Architecture, Optimization and Intel Tools, including Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013. Additionally, Bev supports increasing the number of professional females entering computer science/engineering programs worldwide through multiple local projects.
Bev Bachmayer holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Oregon (1983) and an MBA from Portland State University (1992).