Tutorial abstracts and contents
Note: rooms are given in the programme.
* Day1 *
1. Introduction to FLUENT and related software.
2. Demonstration of FLUENT
3. Advanced solver technologies
4. State of the art modelling
a. Large Eddy Simulation
b. Moving Deforming Mesh
c. Fluid Structure Interaction
* Day2 *
Tutorials hands-on session and discussion.
After an introduction focusing on the CFD solver FLUENT, the software
will be demonstrated on an appropriate problem. Next, we will continue
to address current solver technologies in FLUENT providing information
on FLUENT specific features, solution strategies, and why we need
several solver technologies. Comparisons between the ANSYS CFD software
FLUENT and CFX will be made during the presentation. Future aspects of
our solver technologies will also be given. Finally, state of the art
modelling using FLUENT is addressed. Large Eddy Simulation, Moving
Deforming Mesh, and Fluid Structure Interaction modelling will be
discussed. What technologies are available today, and what can we expect
in the future?
The second day provides an opportunity to test-drive FLUENT. You can use
pre-fabricated tutorials or work on your own problems. There will be
time for questions of general nature or specific to your own applications.
SPEAKER: Anders Blom, Atomistix A/S
In this workshop we will present the general capabilities of Atomistix
software products for electronic transport calculations in
nanostructures. Atomistix ToolKit (ATK) combines density-functional
theory (DFT) and non-equillibrium Green-function techniques to calculate
the current-voltage characteristics, conductance, and other relevant
transport parameters for a wide variety of nanoscale systems.
Application areas include studies of molecular electronics structures,
spin-polarized transport in magnetotunnel junctions, nanotubes and
nanotube/metal interfaces, etc.
In a separate hands-on session, users will be introduced to the
graphical user interface Virtual NanoLab (VNL) and Atomistix powerful
scripting language NanoLanguage. Built on Python, NanoLanguage allows
users to take control of the simulation work flow, extend the
capabilities of the software by developing plug-ins and third-party
modules, and even to wrap other codes such as VASP.
SPEAKER: Mattias Slabanja och Pär Andersson, NSC
Using Linux Clusters at NSC
The purpose with this tutorial is to give the participant a crash
course in how to use linux clusters. Even though the tutorial will
focus on the Neolith environment it will also include a fair amount of
generic information.
* Logging in and security
* Software environment overview
* Compilers
* Available MPI implementations
* The SLURM resource manager and the Moab scheduler
* Understanding system load
* Compiling MPI applications
* Running applications interactively
* Running applications as a batch job