The Dalton suite consists of two separate executables, Dalton and LSDalton. The Dalton code is a powerful tool for a wide range of molecular properties at different levels of theory, whereas LSDalton is a linear-scaling HF and DFT code suitable for large molecular systems, now also with some CCSD capabilites.
Official homepage:
The Dalton suite is available via the module system on Tetralith and Sigma. For more information about available versions, please see the Tetralith and Sigma Software list.
ml Dalton/2016.2-nsc1-intel-2018a-eb
ml LSDalton/1.0-nsc1-intel-2018a-eb
On Tetralith, most compute nodes have 96 GB memory, so if you use all 32 cores, then you can allocate up to ~3000 MB per MPI rank.
#SBATCH -J jobname
#SBATCH -A SNIC-xxx-yyy
#SBATCH -n 64
#SBATCH -t 00:30:00
export DALTON_TMPDIR=/scratch/local
dalton -noappend -D -N $SLURM_NTASKS dalinp{.dal} [molinp{.mol} [potinp{.pot}] [pcmsolver{.pcm}]]
#SBATCH -J jobname
#SBATCH -A SNIC-xxx-yyy
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH -t 00:30:00
export DALTON_TMPDIR=/scratch/local
dalton -noappend -D -N $((SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES*SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE)) dalinp{.dal} [molinp{.mol} [potinp{.pot}] [pcmsolver{.pcm}]]
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