WRF - Weather Research and Forecasting Model is a state of the art mesoscale numerical weather prediction system designed for both atmospheric research and operational forecasting applications.
At NSC, WRF is not made available as pre-built software through the module system. Instead, we document how users can compile their own model version/configuration after downloading the source code from official WRF repository.
Beginning with V4.0 of the WRF/WRFDA/WRF-Chem/WPS code, all release downloads and corresponding information will be available from the public WRF-Model Release page on GitHub.
To download e.g. WRF v4.5.1 on Tetralith:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF
$ cd WRF
$ git checkout v4.5.1
On Tetralith (as of Jan 2025) we recommend the buildenv-intel/2023a-eb
toolchain for compiling WRF. e.g.
$ module load buildenv-intel/2032-eb
$ module load netCDF-HDF5/4.9.2-1.12.2-hpc1
$ export CC=mpiicc
$ export CXX=mpiicpc
$ export FC=mpiifort
$ export F77=mpiifort
$ ./configure # Compiler choice: 16, Nesting option 1
This creates the config file configure.wrf
which needs to be edited: lines 169 to 171 should read:
DM_FC = mpiifort -f90=$(SFC)
DM_CC = mpiicc -cc=$(SCC)
FC = $(DM_FC)
Once the configure.wrf
file is fixed the compilation can be executed, e.g.
$ ./compile em_real >& compile.log
Guides, documentation and FAQ.
Applying for projects and login accounts.