The CASTEP installations are generally maintained by Weine Olovsson (
“CASTEP is a leading code for calculating the properties of materials from first principles. Using density functional theory, it can simulate a wide range of properties of materials proprieties including energetics, structure at the atomic level, vibrational properties, electronic response properties etc. In particular it has a wide range of spectroscopic features that link directly to experiment, such as infra-red and Raman spectroscopies, NMR, and core level spectra.”
To use the NSC installations one needs to be covered by a valid license, for more information see this link.
CASTEP is available via the module system on Tetralith and Sigma. For more information about available versions, please see the Tetralith and Sigma Software list
A minimum batch script for running CASTEP looks e.g. like this:
#SBATCH -n 32
#SBATCH -t 12:00:00
#SBATCH -J jobname
#SBATCH -A naiss-xxx-yyy
module load CASTEP/22.1.1-nsc1-intel-2021.3.0-oneapi
mpprun castep.mpi jobname
The latest installed version is:
Older CASTEP modules:
Guides, documentation and FAQ.
Applying for projects and login accounts.