The majority of MX softwares can use a single-node via an sbatch script presented in detail at NSC Triolith pages or LUNARC Aurora pages. A list of MX software suitable for sbatch scripts are:
A HPC-MX user may run the phenix-GUI and ccp4i2-GUI at the login node and run serial compute jobs at the login node such as mtz-file editing, reindex, search model generation, however parallel computing should be submitted to compute nodes by:
save parameter file
followed by submitting a sbatch script (mrage and rosetta_refine)submit queue job
from some wizards (autobuild and mr_rosetta)run on server
option that we are trying to get slurm compatible.When writing a single-node sbatch script for XDS/XDSAPP/XDSGUI/autoPROC we still need to match
MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_JOBS X MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS = number of nodes X cores per node = total number of cores
where number of nodes is 1 when using a single-node and cores per node being 16 at Triolith and 20 at Aurora.
XDS and its derivatives set MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_JOBS
by related keywords such as
in sbatch scriptNo. of jobs
and No. of cpus
and -c
in sbatch scriptExample 1: single-node XDSAPP at Lunarc Aurora (20 cores) - see benchmarks and XDSAPP command-line options
A) open terminal window
B) edit xdsapp.script as below
#SBATCH -t 0:30:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --exclusive
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-xxx
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load XDSAPP
xdsapp --cmd \
--dir /lunarc/nobackup/users/mochma/test_suite_NSC/eiger/empty/presto/xdsapp_test \
-j 4 \
-c 5 \
-i /lunarc/nobackup/users/mochma/test_suite_NSC/eiger/empty/2015_11_10/insu6_1_data_000001.h5
C) submit job by
sbatch xdsapp.script
Example 2: Run single-node XDS making your own XDS.INP from scratch at LUNARC Aurora
A) module load generate_XDS.INP
generate_XDS.INP insu6_1_master.h5
B) Edit XDS.INP planning for a single-node run at LUNARC Aurora (20 processors) i.e. by addding
C) Create and edit xds.script as:
#SBATCH -t 0:15:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --exclusive
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-xxx
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load XDS
D) submit job by:
sbatch xds.script
Example 3a: autoPROC with eiger data - wiki at NSC Triolith
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --exclusive
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-xxx
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load autoPROC
process \
-h5 /proj/xray/users/x_marmo/test_suite_NSC/eiger/empty/2015_11_10/insu6_1_master.h5 \
autoPROC_XdsKeyword_LIB=/proj/xray/presto/software/Neggia/1.0.1-goolf-PReSTO-1.7.20/lib/ \
-d pro1 > pro1.log
Example 3b: autoPROC with eiger data - wiki at LUNARC Aurora
#SBATCH -t 0:30:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --exclusive
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-xxx
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load autoPROC
process \
-h5 /lunarc/nobackup/users/mochma/test_suite_NSC/eiger/empty/2015_11_10/insu6_1_master.h5 \
autoPROC_XdsKeyword_LIB=/sw/pkg/presto/software/Neggia/1.0.1-goolf-PReSTO-1.7.20/lib/ \
-d pro1 > pro1.log
Example 3c: autoPROC with cbf files
- wiki at LUNARC Aurora
#SBATCH -t 0:40:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --exclusive
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-xxx
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load autoPROC
process \
-Id id1,/lunarc/nobackup/users/name/test/pk,test_pk_1_#####.cbf,1,3600 \
-noANO -B \
-d pro3 > pro3.log
Here we share a number of examples of single-node sbatch scripts for many MX softwares running on NSC Triolith and Lunarc Aurora.
Example 4a: xia2 dials using ccp4 software with eiger data.
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH -N 1 --exclusive
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-XXX
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load CCP4
xia2 pipeline=dials failover=true \
image=/proj/xray/users/x_marmo/test_suite_NSC/eiger/empty/2015_11_10/insu6_1_master.h5 \
multiprocessing.mode=serial \
multiprocessing.njob=1 \
multiprocessing.nproc=auto \
trust_beam_centre=False read_all_image_headers=False \
Example 4b: xia2 -dials
using standalone dials with eiger data:
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH -N 1 --exclusive
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-XXX
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load DIALS
xia2 pipeline=dials failover=true \
image=/proj/xray/users/x_marmo/test_suite_NSC/eiger/empty/2015_11_10/insu6_1_master.h5 \
multiprocessing.mode=serial \
multiprocessing.njob=1 \
multiprocessing.nproc=auto \
trust_beam_centre=False read_all_image_headers=False \
Example 4c: xia2 -xds with eiger data using CCP4
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH -N 1 --exclusive
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-XXX
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load CCP4
xia2 pipeline=3dii failover=true \
image=/proj/xray/users/x_marmo/test_suite_NSC/eiger/empty/2015_11_10/insu6_1_master.h5 \
multiprocessing.mode=serial \
multiprocessing.njob=1 \
multiprocessing.nproc=16 \
trust_beam_centre=False read_all_image_headers=False \
Example 5: XDSme with eiger data
#SBATCH -t 00:30:00
#SBATCH -N 1 --exclusive
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-xxx
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load XDSME/0.6.0-PReSTO
xdsme /lunarc/nobackup/users/mochma/test_suite_NSC/eiger/empty/2015_11_10/insu6_1_??????.h5
Example 6: autoSHARP - see wiki or run a test job
#SBATCH -t 8:00:00
#SBATCH -N 1 --exclusive
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-XXX
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load SHARP \
-seq sequence.pir -ha "Zn" \
-nsit 20 \
-wvl 1.28334 peak -mtz pk.mtz \
-wvl 1.27838 infl -mtz ip.mtz \
-wvl 0.91841 hrem -mtz rm.mtz \
-id MADjob1 | tee MADjob1.lis
Example 7: sbatch script for arcimboldo_lite
Arcimboldo_lite (1) is for high resolution ab initio phasing and 4eto was used for benchmarking (2)
1. ARCIMBOLDO_LITE: single-workstation implementation and use.
Sammito M, Millán C, Frieske D, Rodríguez-Freire E, Borges R, Usón I
Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. 2015 Sep;71(Pt 9):1921-30
2. Macromolecular ab initio phasing enforcing secondary and tertiary structure.
Millán C, Sammito M, Usón I
IUCrJ 2015 Jan;2(Pt 1):95-105
Benchmarking 4eto data-files can be downloaded and executed via sbatch arcimboldo.script
#SBATCH -t 6:00:00
#SBATCH -N 1 --exclusive
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-XXX
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load CCP4
ARCIMBOLDO_LITE ${job}.bor > ${job}.log
To run your own job please modify the arcimboldo.script above and 4eto.bor file according to arcimboldo manual
# 4eto.bor - start
distribute_computing: multiprocessing
working_directory: /proj/xray/users/x_marmo/run_test_suite_NSC/arcimboldo/4eto.bor
working_directory = /proj/xray/users/x_marmo/run_test_suite_NSC/arcimboldo
mtz_path = ./4eto_2.mtz
hkl_path = ./4eto_4.hkl
shelxe_line = -m30 -v0 -a3 -t20 -q -s0.55
helix_length = 14
sigf_label = SIGF
molecular_weight = 22000
name_job = 4eto_def
f_label = F
fragment_to_search = 2
number_of_component = 1
identity = 0.2
# Third party software paths at NSC Triolith
path_local_phaser: /proj/xray/presto/software/CCP4/7.0.044-goolf-PReSTO-1.7.20-SHELX-ARP-7.6/ccp4-7.0/bin/phaser
path_local_shelxe: /proj/xray/presto/software/CCP4/7.0.044-goolf-PReSTO-1.7.20-SHELX-ARP-7.6/ccp4-7.0/bin/shelxe
# 4eto.bor - end
Example 8: buster using sbatch scripts - see wiki and tutorial
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH -n 8
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-XXX
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load BUSTER
refine -p model.pdb \
-m data.mtz \
-l chiral.dat \
-l grade-AME.cif \
-Gelly tweak4.gelly \
-nthreads 8 \
-autoncs \
-TLS \
AutomaticFormfactorCorrection=yes \
StopOnGellySanityCheckError=no \
-d run1 > run1.log
Example 9: pipedream using sbatch scripts - see tutorial
#SBATCH -t 2:00:00
#SBATCH -n 8
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-XXX
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load BUSTER
pipedream -imagedir /proj/xray/users/x_marmo/proteinA/x003/col \
-l grade-LIG.cif \
-xyzin apo_structure.pdb \
-nofreeref \
-nthreads 8 \
-d pipe_LIG_PReSTO > pipe_LIG_PReSTO.log
Example 10: rhofit using sbatch scripts -see tutorial
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH -n 8
#SBATCH -A snic2018-3-XXX
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
module load BUSTER
rhofit -l grade-LIG.cif \
-p pipe_LIG_PReSTO/refine/refine.pdb \
-m pipe_LIG_PReSTO/refine/refine.mtz \
-d rhofit_1 > rhofit1.log
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