NSC is part of Linköping University (LiU) and a branch in the National Academic Infrastructure for Super­computing in Sweden (NAISS).

NSC is an independent center within LiU, governed by a board with members from university and industry and led by a director appointed by the university vice chancellor. NSC provides a cluster resource for the sole benefit of LiU’s researchers. This cluster and other hardware resources operated by NSC are situated in computer rooms Kärnhuset and Hangaren on campus Valla.

NSC is a branch in NAISS, which is a national research infrastructure providing balanced and cost-efficient resources and user support for large scale calculations and data storage. NAISS meets the needs of researchers from all scientific disciplines from all over Sweden.

NAISS is hosted by LiU but acts independently with a national perspective and responsibility. NAISS main funding is provided by the Swedish Research Council (VR) while the user support, organized in a decentralized branch-structure, is built up in partnership with several Swedish universities.

User Area

User support

Guides, documentation and FAQ.

Getting access

Applying for projects and login accounts.

System status

2025-03-13T23:03 - ONGOING Problems connecting to and running jobs on Tetralith and Sigma!


NSC Express