The Nordic e-infrastructure collaboration (NeIC) is a facilitator of development and operations of high‐quality e-infrastructure solutions in areas of joint Nordic interest.

NeIC is a distributed organisation hosted by NordForsk, with a board constituted by representatives of national research e-infrastructres and national research funding bodies in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. NeIC has activities in strategic areas BMS (bio and medical sciences), GEN (generic technologies), NT1 (the Nordic WLCG Tier-1 facility; the old NDGF), and ADM (administration). Activites within each strategic area is managed by an area coordinator, and the area coordinators together with the NeIC director constitute the NeIC executive team, which manages the NeIC day-to-day operations.

The NSC is involved in several NeIC projects and service operations, and hosts the current NeIC BMS coordinator Joel Hedlund.


User Area

User support

Guides, documentation and FAQ.

Getting access

Applying for projects and login accounts.

System status

2025-03-13T23:03 - ONGOING Problems connecting to and running jobs on Tetralith and Sigma!


NSC Express