NSC has a large number of software installations available, often in multiple versions to suit the needs of various user communities. For a list of installed software, please see the corresponding resource page below. If you need software that is presently not installed, please see our software installation policy.
You can also query the module system for available software and recommendations on what versions to use, e.g:
module avail
module add vasp/recommendation
Information on software and availability for all of SNIC is also available in the SNIC knowledge base software section.
Below follows a list of more detailed documentation pages for various software packages available at NSC systems.
ABAQUS installations and recommendations.
ABINIT installations and recommendations.
AMBER installations and recommendations.
ANSYS installations and recommendations.
ANSYS Electromagnetics installations and recommendations.
ASE installations and recommendations.
ATAT installations and recommendations.
Allinea Perforance Reports installations and recommendations.
Allinea/ARM-DDT installations and recommendations.
Allinea/ARM-MAP installations and recommendations.
CASTEP installations and recommendations.
CDO installations and recommendations.
Using CESM on Tetralith
COMSOL installations and recommendations.
CP2K installations and recommendations.
CPMD installations and recommendations.
A modern C/C++ compiler based on LLVM.
DL_POLY installations and recommendations.
Dalton/LSDalton installations and recommendations.
Using EC-Earth on Tetralith
EPW installations and recommendations.
Elk installations and recommendations.
Ferret installations and recommendations.
GPAW installations and recommendations.
GROMACS installations and recommendations.
Gaussian & GaussView installations and recommendations.
Grace installations and recommendations.
Gurobi Optimizer installations and recommendations.
HDF5 installations and recommendations.
Julia installations and recommendations.
LAMMPS installations and recommendations.
MATLAB installations and recommendations.
MOLDEN installations and recommendations.
Mathematica installations and recommendations.
NAMD installations and recommendations.
NCO installations and recommendations.
Ncview installations and recommendations.
Using NorESM on Tetralith
Open Babel installations and recommendations.
OpenFOAM installations and recommendations.
ParaView installations and recommendations.
Pymatgen installations and recommendations.
Quantum ESPRESSO installations and recommendations.
STAR-CCM+ installations and recommendations.
Siesta installations and recommendations.
how to install USPEX
UppASD installations and recommendations.
VASP installations and recommendations.
VMD (Visual Molecular Dynamics) installations and recommendations.
VisIt installations and recommendations.
Visual Studio Code installation and usage on Tetralith & Sigma.
WEST installations and recommendations.
WIEN2K installations and recommendations.
Yambo installations and recommendations.
ecCodes installations and recommendations.
exciting-code installations and recommendations.
grib_api installations and recommendations.
netCDF installations and recommendations.
p4vasp installations and recommendations.
GNU parallel installations and recommendations.
Phono3py installations and recommendations.
Phonopy installations and recommendations.
vasptools installations and recommendations.
Schrödinger suite installations and recommendations.
Guides, documentation and FAQ.
Applying for projects and login accounts.