CDO (Climate Data Operators) is a collection of command line operators to manipulate and analyse climate and NWP model data. Supported formats are GRIB 1/2, netCDF 3/4, SERVICE, EXTRA and IEG. See the CDO webpages for detailed documentation.
Load the CDO module corresponding to the version you want to use, e.g
module load CDO/1.9.2-nsc1-intel-2018a-eb
This will add the cdo command to your search path.
Please try not run CDO on the login node! To run CDO interactively, allocate a compute node for interactive use and then run cdo operations. E.g:
interactive -N1 --exclusive -t 00:30:00
module load CDO/1.9.2-nsc1-intel-2018a-eb
cdo -R remapbil,t63grid ifile ofile
Guides, documentation and FAQ.
Applying for projects and login accounts.