Press information

Press releases

NSC publishes its press releases on Linköping University's main web page. Minor news and information for our users are published in the news section on our front page. Ongoing public procurements are listed on the university's procurement page.

Press contact

In many cases, we suggest that you make your press inquiry through our regular user support. That will ensure that your question is forwarded to the right person efficiently.

User support:

You can also contact NSC's director for general press inquiries.

Matts Karlsson
Telephone: 013-281199

Photos and logos

We have some photos of our computer systems and data centers available for PR purposes. Please make an inquiry.

If you need NSC's logos, for example, when acknowledging NSC in your own presentations or posters, you can download them below:

NSC logo in red color (PDF format).

NSC logo in black&white (PDF format).

NSC in the news

A list of recent news paper articles. Most of these are in Swedish.

Sveriges snabbaste superdator klarar 300 petaflops, artikel i NyTeknik 2020-10-07

Ny superdator ska leda svensk AI-forskning, artikel i Östgöta Correspondenten 2020-10-06

Superdator designade molekyl som lagrar solenergi, artikel i NyTeknik 2020-09-03

SMHI:s nya superdator ska ge bättre koll på vädret, artikel i NyTeknik 2019-01-31

Här invigs snabbaste superdatorn, artikel i Östgöta Correspondenten 2013-01-24

Universitetet får snabbaste superdatorn i Sverige, artikel i Östgöta Correspondenten 2012-03-15

Ny superdator motsvarar 5 000 laptops, artikel i Östgöta Correspondenten 2011-02-16

Neolith tar upp kampen åt LiU, artikel i Östgöta Correspondenten 2007-10-16

Sveriges vassaste superdator invigs, artikel i NyTeknik 2007-10-12

Linköpings superdator går om KTH, artikel i NyTeknik 2007-05-02.

Neolith tar upp kampen åt LiU, artikel i Östgöta Correspondenten 2007-10-16.

Superdator placeras i Linköping, artikel i Östgöta Correspondenten 2007-04-26

Tornado ska hålla ordning på vädret, artikel i NyTeknik 2005-08-24.

Bättre prognoser för SMHI med ny väderdator, artikel i Östgöta Correspondenten 2005-02-17

User Area

User support

Guides, documentation and FAQ.

Getting access

Applying for projects and login accounts.

System status

Everything OK!

No reported problems


NSC Express